Since 1996

Top UK University Rankings List

School GCSE
A*-Aor 9-7
entries (%)
A -Level
A*/A or equivalent (%)
Location School Type
Abbotsholme School, Uttoxeter 20 Stafordshire Co-ed
Abingdon School 87.1 69.4 Ocfordshire Boys
Ackworth School, Pontefract 51.62 15 Yorkshire Co-ed
ACS Cobham International School, Cobham 44.4 Surrey Co-ed
Adcote School for Girls, Shrewsbury 19.38 Shropshire Girls
Ardingly College, Haywards Heath 64.46 64.74 West Sussex Co-ed
Ashford School, Ashford 30.84 37.34 Kent Co-ed
Ashville College, Harrogate 51.98 28.18 North Yorkshire Co-ed
Badminton School, Bristol 77.35 54.04 Bristol Girls
Bede’s Senior School, Hailsham 38.62 41.95 East Sussex Co-ed
Bellerbys College Brighton, Brighton 47.69 East Sussex Co-ed
Bellerbys College Cambridge, Cambridge 54.9 Cambridge Co-ed
Bishop’s Stortford College, Bishop’s Stortford 74.8 48.68 Hertfordshire Co-ed
Bosworth Independent College, Northampton 54.7 30.3 Northampton Co-ed
Bournemouth Collegiate School, Bournemouth 33.33 17.7 Dorest Co-ed
Bredon School, Tewkesbury 5.04 Gloucestershire Co-ed
Brentwood School, Brentwood 62.64 Essex Co-ed
Brighton College, Brighton 93.93 80.93 East Sussex Co-ed
Bruton School for Girls, Bruton 60.42 Somerset Girls
Buckswood School, Hastings 16.18 19.77 East Sussex Co-ed
Burgess Hill Girls, Burgess Hill 76.56 43.24 West Sussex Girls
Cambridge Tutors College, Croydon 34.04 Croydon Co-ed
Canford School, Wimborne 68.38 47.49 Dorest Co-ed
Cardiff Sixth Form College, Cardiff 89.88 Cardiff Co-ed
Caterham School, Caterham 77.89 62.8 Surrey Co-ed
Charterhouse, Godalming 70.58 61.7 Surrey Co-ed
Chetham’s School of Music, Manchester 55.56 51.83 Manchester Co-ed
Chigwell School, Chigwell 79.35 45.75 London Co-ed
Christ College, Brecon 41.02 38.82 Wales Co-ed
City of London Freemen’s School, Ashtead 81.93 63.34 Surrey Co-ed
Concord College, Shrewsbury 84.38 83.52 Shropshire Co-ed
Culford School, Bury St Edmunds 44.44 25.74 Suffolk Co-ed
DLD College London, London 28.07 25 London Co-ed
d’Overbroeck’s, Oxford 60.56 49.9 Oxford Co-ed
Dulwich College, Dulwich 83.94 63.85 London Co-ed
Durham School, Durham 40.95 31.15 Durham Co-ed
Epsom College, Epsom 73.84 66.92 Surrey Co-ed
Farlington School, Horsham 46.88 West Sussex Girls
Felsted School, Dunmow 31.55 Essex Co-ed
Glenalmond College, Perth 50.42 29.63 Scotland Co-ed
Godolphin School, Salisbury 49.81 32.87 Wiltshire Girls
Haileybury, Hertford 65.06 46.27 Hertfordshire Co-ed
Harrogate Ladies’ College, Harrogate 55.11 24 North Yorkshire Girls
Headington School, Oxford 76.7 56.82 Oxford Girls
Hurtwood House, Dorking 54.02 Surrey Co-ed
Ipswich School, Ipswich 63.97 44.3 Suffolk Co-ed
Kent College, Canterbury 35.57 42.41 Kent Co-ed
Kimbolton School, Huntingdon 57.19 36.34 Cambridgeshire Co-ed
King William’s College, Castletown 37.79 43.03 Isle of Man Co-ed
Kingham Hill School, Chipping Norton 50.57 31.03 Oxfordshire Co-ed
King’s Ely, Ely 55.68 Cambridge Co-ed
Leighton Park School, Reading 55.44 34.09 Berkshire Co-ed
Lincoln Minster School, Lincoln 30.66 23.2 Lincoln Co-ed
Longridge Towers School, Berwick-upon-Tweed 27.76 Northumberland Co-ed
Loretto School, Musselburgh 45.42 23.27 Scotland Co-ed
Malvern St James Girls’ School, Great Malvern 54.89 41.61 Worcestershire Girls
Marymount International School, Kingston upon Thames 67.59 Surrey Girls
Mayfield School, Mayfield 67.36 55.03 East Sussex Girls
Merchiston Castle School, Edinburgh 56.74 37.95 Scotland Boys
Mill Hill School, Mill Hill 56.98 35.17 London Co-ed
Monmouth School for Boys, Monmouth 55.69 38.5 Wales Boys
Monmouth School for Girls, Monmouth 65.41 39.25 Wales Girls
More House School, Farnham 13.75 9.52 Surrey Boys
Moreton Hall, Oswestry 49.65 40.12 Shropshire Girls
Mount Kelly, Tavistock 40.96 31.08 Devon Co-ed
New Hall School, Chelmsford 49.51 48.01 Essex Co-ed
Oakham School, Oakham 51.88 49.34 Rutland Co-ed
Oswestry School, Oswestry 24.8 16.1 Shropshire Co-ed
Oundle School, Peterborough 79.72 52.16 Peterborough Co-ed
Oxford International College, Oxford 91.84 Oxford Co-ed
Plymouth College, Plymouth 37.29 27.27 Plymouth Co-ed
Pocklington School, York 39.89 30.98 Pocklington Co-ed
Princess Helena College, Hitchin 39.43 Hertfordshire Co-ed
Queen Ethelburga’s College, York 80.12 80.05 York Co-ed
Queen Margaret’s School, York 58.07 42.31 York Girls
Queen’s College, Taunton 43.77 40.38 Somerset Co-ed
Queenswood, Hatfield 45.17 25.2 Hertfordshire Girls
Reddam House, Berkshire, Wokingham 39.95 30.49 Wokingham Co-ed
Rochester Independent College, Rochester 25.88 29.1 Kent Co-ed
Roedean School, Brighton 66.52 54.8 Brighton Girls
Rookwood School, Andover 33.54 Hampshire Co-ed
Royal Russell School, Croydon 53.27 41.61 Surrey Co-ed
Ruthin School, Ruthin 70.6 82 Denbighshire Co-ed
Ryde School, Ryde 35.29 29.27 Ise of Wight Co-ed
Rye St Antony School, Oxford 39.71 21.05 Oxford Girls
Saint Felix School, Southwold 38.52 24.66 Suffolk Co-ed
Scarborough College, Scarborough 38.34 19.64 North Yorkshire Co-ed
Shebbear College, Beaworthy 24.71 Devon Co-ed
St Catherine’s, Bramley, Guildford 83.05 64.17 Surrey Girls
St Clare’s, Oxford 70.59 Oxford Co-ed
St David’s College, Llandudno 18.58 5.26 Llandudno Co-ed
St Edmund’s College, Ware 37.67 34.67 Herts Co-ed
St Edmund’s School Canterbury, Canterbury 35.99 29.41 Kent Co-ed
St Francis’ College, Letchworth Garden City 73.33 41.18 Hertfordshire Girls
St John’s College, Southsea 32.64 22.61 Hampshire Co-ed
St Leonards, St Andrews 43.57 39.89 Scotland Co-ed
St Margaret’s School, Bushey 62.26 Hertfordshire Girls
St Mary’s School Ascot, Ascot 94.97 77.49 Berkshire Girls
St Mary’s School, Cambridge, Cambridge 61.1 50.83 Cambridge Girls
St Mary’s School, Shaftesbury, Shaftesbury, 48.02 Dorest Girls
St Michael’s School, Llanelli 73.47 73.46 Carmarthenshire Co-ed
St Peter’s School, York 68.69 58.59 York Co-ed
Stover School, Newton Abbot 17.96 Devon Co-ed
Talbot Heath School, Bournemouth 51.91 47.73 Bournemouth Girls
TASIS The American School in England, Egham 37.21 Surrey Co-ed
Taunton Senior School, Taunton 43.09 38.49 Taunton Co-ed
Tettenhall College, Wolverhamtpon 20.45 Wolverhampton Co-ed
The Faculty of Queen Ethelburga’s, York 70.09 York Co-ed
The Hammond, Chester 20.08 Chester Co-ed
The King’s School, Canterbury, Canterbury 69.36 53.47 Kent Co-ed
The Leys School, Cambridge 65.21 51.66 Cambridge Co-ed
The Mount School York, York 24.71 York Girls
The Royal High School Bath GDST, Bath 67.91 44.96 Bath Girls
The Royal School Dungannon, Dungannon 45.3 33.86 Tyrone Co-ed
The Royal School, Armagh 46.49 34.53 Armagh Co-ed
The Royal School, Haslemere, Haslemere 44.12 Surrey Co-ed
Tring Park School for the Performing Arts, Tring 33.71 23.89 Hertfordshire Co-ed
Trinity School, Teignmouth, 8.3 Devon Co-ed
Truro School, Truro 56.35 42.54 Cornwall Co-ed
Tudor Hall School, Banbury 61.48 34.31 Oxfordshire Girls
Warwick School, Warwick 66.11 47.77 Warwick Boys
Welbeck – The Defence Sixth Form College, Loughborough 31.99 Leicestershire Co-ed
Wellington School, Wellington 45.98 35.04 Somerset Co-ed
West Buckland School, Barnstaple 49.35 43.82 Devon Co-ed
Westminster School, Westminster 98.61 83.54 London Co-ed
Whitgift School, South Croydon 81.71 66.73 South Croydon Boys
Windermere School, Windermere 44.15 52.27 The Lake District Co-ed
Woldingham School, Caterham 63.67 45.54 Surrey Girls
Woodhouse Grove School, Apperley Bridge 34.68 31.51 West Yorkshire Co-ed
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